Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Meen Kozhambhu (Fish Curry) - Mom's Recipe

My Mom makes one of the best fish curries that is quite popular amongst my family and friends. Back at my previous work place, my friends would be waiting for the day i bring fish curry. I am not being overly dramatic, just putting it in words.  Choose any good fish suitable for making fish gravy like Koduva, Pomfret, Kala, etc. Vegetarian alternative also possible.

Ingredients (serves 6-8)
Fresh Fish 6-8 pieces
Tomato 2 nos
Onion 2 nos
Coriander 1 small bunch chopped
Green Chilli 2 nos
Ginger  1nos
Garlic Cloves 8-10 nos
Tamarind  size of large lemon
Turmeric Powder 1 tsp
Chilli Powder 1 tsp
Curry Chilli Powder  2-3 tsp
Coriander Powder 1 tsp
Mustard Seeds 1 tsp
Urad Dhall 1 tsp
Curry leaves 
Oil 1 cup (2-3 tbsp)
Sea Salt for taste

Preparing the Fish
Clean the fish thoroughly,then rinse it well. Again add sea salt and turmeric and rub it well on the fish, let it rest for 5 mins. Then rinse it with running water, leave the fish in water until you add it to the curry. Always use fish with its bone, else it will break away whilst cooking.

Making the Kozhambhu
Soak the tamarid in 2 cups of warm water for 5 mins. Grind one and half Onion, Garlic, Ginger, Chilli and Coriander to a smooth paste and mix it into the Tamarind mixture. Add turmeric, Coriander powder, Red chilli powder, Curry Chilli powder and salt to the liquid and mix well. Taste for salt and spice. It should be tangy but not overly tangy.  Liquid consistency should neither be thin or thick. Now grind the tomatoes in a mixer and keep it separate.

In a deep bottomed pan or clay pan, add about cup of oil. Crackle mustard seeds and urad dhall in it and add curry leaves to it. Now add half chopped onions and saute it further. Once the onions are translucent add the tomato paste and cook further. Now add the previously prepared tamarind based liquid onto the pan. Check for salt again, you might want to compensate for the tomatoes added.
Bring the mixture to boil and let it simmer further until the gravy starts to thicken. Check for salt and spice.
Now add the fish without water and bring to boil for 5-6 mins, ensure that you don't let it boil too long as the fish would start to breakaway.
For best results, prepare the gravy the previous night and let it sit over night. Reheat and serve it with Idli, Dosa, Bread slices or with Rice.

For Vegetarians
Susbstitute fish with  boiled baby potatoes.


  1. quite different from the kerala fish curry that I'm used to... would be a refreshing change to try this out... We too like fish with its bone... in fact we dont even remove the skin while cooking :)

  2. yup, this is more TN style curry, this is my mom's specialty. There are variations of the same with coconut milk and other stuff. We also put it with the skin, except for a specific set of fishes rest all are cooked with the skin.
